

Adult Bible Classes (March - May 2024)

Sunday 9:45: (Auditorium) "The Bible as Set in World History"

Sunday 9:45: (Small Adult Class) "Evangelism"

Wednesday 7:00 PM: "The Providence of God"

Estudio Biblico En Espanol

Domingo 9:45 AM: 1 Corintos

Miercoles 7:00 PM: Exodo 

Studies in the Word of God

Adult Bible Classes (June - Aug 2024)

Sunday 9:45 AM: (Auditorium) "Daniel"

Sunday 9:45 AM: (Small Adult Class) "Evidences"

Domingo 9:45 AM: 1 Corintios [en Espanol]

Wednesday 7:00 PM: "Our Identity"

Miercoles 7:00 PM: 1 Corintios [en Espanol]

Bible Classes

Adult Bible Classes (March - May 2024)

Sunday 9:45: (Auditorium) "The Bible as Set in World History"

Sunday 9:45: (Small Adult Class) "Evangelism"

Wednesday 7:00 PM: "The Providence of God"

Estudio Biblico En Espanol

Domingo 9:45 AM: 1 Corintos

Miercoles 7:00 PM: Exodo 

Bible Classes: September - November 2023

Sunday 9:45 A.M.: "Love Your Neighbor As Yourself" (auditorium); "Modern Day Bereans" (small classroom)

Wednesday 7:00 P.M.: "Complete in Christ" (auditorium); "Daily Challenges of Christian Living" ( small classroom) 

Clases de Biblia: Septiembre - Noviembre, 2023

 Domingo 9:45 A.M.: “Eclesiastes” "La Vida Debajo del Sol" 

 Miércoles 7:00: "El matrimonio y la Biblia

Upcoming Gospel Meeting

Gospel Meeting March 3-5serie de predicaciones BĂ­blicas 3 - 5 de MARZO

Magnificent Creator

The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. “(Psalms 19:1)
The superscript of this psalm ascribes it to David.  I am sure this shepherd boy had many opportunities to gaze into the heavens and marvel at God’s creation.  Psalm 19 may be divided into two sections:  1) the greatness of God’s physical creation (vs. 1-6), 2) the greatness of God’s Word (vs. 7-14).  Consider with me some points from the first section of this psalm.  
Notice in verses 1-3 such words as “declare”, and “speech”.  David is telling us in figurative language, the stars are shouting a message!  If we wish to know what God is like, David says look to the heavens!  
The vastness and marvelous design of the cosmos never ceases to amaze me.  Since early boyhood I have been intrigued by manned space travel.  I remember when man first landed on the moon.  I recently read that plans are being made to send a man to mars.  Mars, at its closest point is 46 million miles from the earth!  Yet, if man travels to this planet, he will have only penetrated a tiny fraction of space.  There are one hundred billion stars in our galaxy alone, and those stars are thirty trillion miles apart.  How far is thirty trillion miles?  To help us grasp the distance:  when the space shuttle is in orbit it travels at a speed of 17,000 miles per second.  If you could get in the space shuttle and speed through space at 5 miles per second it would take you 210,450 years to travel 30 million miles!  Incredible!  
What do the heavens tell us about God?  They tell us of His infinite power. He is the self-existing, infinite Being who created this vast universe out of nothing and who holds it all together!  The stars also illustrate his infinite love. The Psalmist writes: “For as the heavens are high above the earth, So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him; (Psalms 103:11).  How high are the heavens above the earth?  Start with 30 trillion miles and you will have just begun to fathom the height of God’s love. 
Dear reader, you are a sinner.  Though you have disappointed God, He still loves you and offers you an opportunity to tap into His infinite mercy and wisdom.  
By: George Slover

Assembly Times for July

  • Our current meeting times at the building: 
  • Sundays    9:45 a.m.  Bible Classes for All Ages
    • Adult Class -  "The Gospel of Mark"
    • Back Room - "Foundations of Faith"
  • Sundays  10:45 a.m.   Worship
  • Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.  Bible Classes for All Ages 
    • Adult Class -   "Jesus Commends"
    • High/middle school - "The Courage to be Holy"

Assembly Times for Month of May

  • Our current meeting times at the building: 
  • Sundays    9:45 a.m.  Bible Classes for All Ages
    • Adult Class -  "In the Beginning"
  • Sundays  10:45 a.m.   Worship
  • Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.  Bible Classes for All Ages 
    • Adult Class -   "Lessons from the Life of Paul"

Assembly Times for Month of March

  • Our current meeting times at the building: 
  • Sundays    9:45 a.m.  Bible Classes for All Ages
    • Adult Class -  "In the Beginning"
  • Sundays  10:45 a.m.   Worship
  • Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.  Bible Classes for All Ages 
    • Adult Class -   "Lessons from the Life of Paul"

Assembly Times for Month of December

  • Our current meeting times at the building: 
  • Sundays    9:45 a.m.  Bible Classes for All Ages
    • Adult Class -  "A Study of the Holy Spirit"
  • Sundays  10:45 a.m.   Worship
  • Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.  Bible Classes for All Ages 
    • Adult Class -   "Portrait of Peter"

Assembly Times for Month of November

  • Our current meeting times at the building: 
  • Sundays    9:45 a.m.  Bible Classes for All Ages
    • Adult Class -  "1 & 2 Timothy and Titus"
    • Adult Class -   "Authority" (in Spanish)
    • Young Adults - "Philippians"
  • Sundays  10:45 a.m.   Worship
  • Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.  Bible Classes for All Ages 
    • Adult Class -   "Authority" (in English)

Assembly Times for Month of October

  • Gospel Meeting Oct 8 -10 with Reagan McClenney "Glimpses of Glory"
  • Our current meeting times at the building: 
  • Sundays    9:45 a.m.  Bible Classes for All Ages
    • Adult Class -  "1 & 2 Timothy and Titus"
    • Adult Class -   "Authority" (in Spanish)
    • Young Adults - "Philippians"
  • Sundays  10:45 a.m.   Worship
  • Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.  Bible Classes for All Ages 
    • Adult Class -   "Authority" (in English)

Assembly Times for Month of September

  • Our current meeting times at the building: 
  • Sundays    9:45 a.m.  Bible Classes for All Ages
    • Adult Class -  "1 & 2 Timothy and Titus"
    • Adult Class -   "Authority" (in Spanish)
    • Young Adults - "Philippians"
  • Sundays  10:45 a.m.   Worship
  • Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.  Bible Classes for All Ages 
    • Adult Class -   "Authority" (in English)

Assembly Times for Month of August

  • Our current meeting times at the building: 
  • Sundays    9:45 a.m.  Bible Classes for All Ages
    • Adult Class -  "Bible Characters"
    • Adult Class -   "Ephesians for Beginners" (in Spanish)
  • Sundays  10:45 a.m.   Worship
  • Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.  Bible Class for All Ages 
    • Adult Class -   "Can We Know For Sure"
    • Adult Class -   "Ephesians for Beginners" (in English)

Assembly Times for Month of July

  • Our current meeting times at the building: 
  • Sundays    9:45 a.m.  Bible Classes for All Ages
    • Adult Class -  "Bible Characters"
    • Adult Class -   "Ephesians for Beginners" (in Spanish)
  • Sundays  10:45 a.m.   Worship
  • Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.  Bible Class for All Ages 
    • Adult Class -   "Can We Know For Sure"
    • Adult Class -   "Ephesians for Beginners" (in English)

Assembly Times for Month of June

  • Our current meeting times at the building: 
  • Sundays    9:45 a.m.  Bible Classes for All Ages
    • Adult Class -  "Bible Characters"
    • Adult Class -   "Ephesians for Beginners" (in Spanish)
  • Sundays  10:45 a.m.   Worship
  • Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.  Bible Class for All Ages 
    • Adult Class -   "Can We Know For Sure"
    • Adult Class -   "Ephesians for Beginners" (in English)

Assembly Times for Month of May

  • Our current meeting times at the building: 
  • Sundays    9:45 a.m.  Adult Bible Class - "Gospel of Luke"
  • Sundays  10:45 a.m.   Worship
  • Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.  Adult Bible Class - "Am I My Brother's Keeper"

Assembly Times for April

  • Our current meeting times at the building: 
  • Sundays    9:45 a.m. Bible Class - "Gospel of Luke"
  • Sundays  10:45 a.m. Worship
  • Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.  Bible Class - "Am I My Brother's Keeper"

Assembly Times for March

  • Our current meeting times at the building: 
  • Sundays    9:45 a.m. Bible Class - "Gospel of Luke"
  • Sundays  10:45 a.m. Worship
  • Wednesdays 7:00 p.m.  Bible Class - "Am I My Brother's Keeper"


Assembly Times for Month of February

The inclement weather has passed and we will be meeting on Sunday Feb 21, 2021.  If you are visiting, we look forward to meeting you.

NOTICE:  We are meeting at the building and have temporarily modified our meeting times. There is no 2:00 p.m. assembly on Sundays at the moment. 

  • Sunday 9:45 a.m. Bible Classes - "Acts of the Apostles"
  • Sunday 10:45 a.m.  Worship
  • Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Bible Classes - "Nehemiah"

Assembly Times for Month of January

NOTICE:  We are meeting at the building and have temporarily modified our meeting times. There is no 2:00 p.m. assembly on Sundays at the moment. 

  • Sunday 9:45 a.m. Bible Classes - "Acts of the Apostles"
  • Sunday 10:45 a.m.  Worship
  • Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Bible Classes - "Nehemiah"

Assembly Times for Month of December

NOTICE:  We are meeting at the building and have temporarily modified our meeting times. There is no 2:00 p.m. assembly on Sundays at the moment. 

  • Sunday 9:45 a.m. Bible Classes
  • Sunday 10:45 a.m.  Worship
  • Wednesday 7:00 p.m. Bible Classes 

Assembly Times for Month of November 2020

NOTICE:  We are meeting at the building and have temporarily modified our meeting times. 

  • Sunday 10:00 a.m. at the building - no classes will be held.  
  • Wednesday 7:00 p.m. at the building.  This month we are studying the book of  Ephesians

Assembly Times for Month of October

NOTICE:  We are meeting at the building and have temporarily modified our meeting times. 

  • Sunday 10:00 a.m. at the building and on Zoom - no classes will be held.  
  • Wednesday 7:00 p.m. at the building and on Zoom.  This month we are studying the book of  Ephesians

Assembly Times For Month of August 2020

NOTICE:  We are meeting at the building and have temporarily modified our meeting times. 

  • Sunday 10:00 a.m. at the building and on Zoom - no classes will be held.  
  • Wednesday 7:00 p.m. at the building and on Zoom.  This summer we are studying  Phil 4 "Think on These Things"


Bible Class Schedule - March - May 2020

   - Adult Auditorium  |  Acts Part 2 (chapters 15-28  |  Ben Mejia
   - Adult Small Classroom |  Teach Us to Pray  |  Joe Koehler
   - High School  |  What Do I Say When...?  |  David Kirby

   - Adult Auditorium  |  1 & 2 Timothy  |  George Slover 
   - Adult Small Classroom  |  John  |  Alan Meadows
   - High School  |  Evidences |  David Dulak/ Cole Meadows

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