"For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ," (2 Corinthians 10:4,5)
The soldiers of Christ are at war. It is not merely a physical, nor intellectual conflict. It is a spiritual battle. It is an engagement against every force of evil, and eternal souls are at stake. The goal of the Lord's army is to win hearts to Christ.
The soldier of Christ does not win souls by force or coercion. He does not carry on the conflict by trickery or slight of hand. He does not rely on human philosophy or eloquence. The death burial and resurrection of Christ is the focal point of his message.
His weapons are mighty because they are instruments from God. The gospel which Paul taught was not the product of man, but of God. It is by the power of God's gospel that the soldier will obtain the victory.
The strongholds of Satan include error, superstition, selfishness, bigotry, malice, and hatred; and they are powerful. But the sword of God is able to demolish them all. The gospel can unseat Satan's sophistry from the heart. Truth will win. Everything that exalts itself against God will be defeated.
Having removed all of Satan's vices, God moves is to occupy the heart. The goal of Christ is to rule all of our ambitions and preferences. He wants to rule our lives every second of every day of our life. With his power, God is able.
This battle is the greatest of all conflicts. It is not physical, nor merely mental. It is a spiritual battle in which God's honor is not to be compromised, and our eternal destiny is at stake. We must pick up the armor and fight!
By George Slover